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BlogRider.ru - Каталог блогов Рунета
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noxep - блог неравнодушного человека
noxep - блог неравнодушного человека
Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://noxep.wordpress.com
Добавлен: 2011-10-25 09:23:36

Illustrators on WordPress.com

2012-12-01 01:02:35 (читать в оригинале)

November was a busy month! Not only did bloggers and writers churn out pages for NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) and NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), but illustrators and artists also took part in NaNoDrawMo, which challenged participants to produce a minimum of 50 new works between November 1 and 30. In honor of NaNoDrawMo, [...]

New Themes: Watson, Simfo, and Publish

2012-11-29 22:03:32 (читать в оригинале)

Brace yourselves, new themes are coming. Today I’m pleased to announce the latest three additions to the ever-growing collection of themes here at WordPress.com. First up is Watson, by The Theme Foundry. Inspired by the clean lines and bold strokes of a classic newspaper, Watson boasts a neatly organized front page layout and a pleasurable [...]

Wine and Dine Your Visitors with WordPress.com

2012-11-28 21:02:48 (читать в оригинале)

New Tools for Restaurateurs Between starting the demi-glace and getting the case of chickens out of the walk-in for stock, the last thing we think you should be worrying about as a restaurateur is whether the guests showing up to your soft-open can actually find your phone number and location on your web site. Can [...]

Firefox Users: Try the WordPress.com Extension

2012-11-16 21:00:29 (читать в оригинале)

Want to receive WordPress.com notifications instantly, even when you’re not on WordPress.com? Back in January, we announced the WordPress.com extension for Chrome, and today, the extension is available for Firefox too! Add the WordPress.com extension for Firefox and as soon as you get a new follower, comment, or a like on one of your posts, [...]

Pay Another Way: Bitcoin

2012-11-16 02:21:49 (читать в оригинале)

At WordPress.com, our mission is making publishing democratic — accessible and easy for anyone, anywhere. And while anyone can start a free blog here, not everyone can access upgrades (like going ad-free or enabling custom design) because of limits on traditional payment networks. Today, that changes: you can now buy WordPress.com upgrades with bitcoins. PayPal [...]

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