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noxep - блог неравнодушного человека
noxep - блог неравнодушного человека
Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://noxep.wordpress.com
Добавлен: 2011-10-25 09:23:36

WordPress.com by the Numbers: The January Hot List

2014-02-03 20:00:18 (читать в оригинале)

First off, welcome to the 1,321,980 new sites and blogs that decided to fly with WordPress.com this month! We're glad to have you aboard, and beverage service will begin shortly. Wondering what you've gotten yourself into? Here are some January highlights!

How To Be a WordPress.com Detective

2014-01-21 20:00:38 (читать в оригинале)

Last year, we looked at the art and science of getting good WordPress support. Now, let’s jump into some of the more advanced troubleshooting techniques you can use to tackle the trickier problems you might come up against. Have you heard the old joke: Patient: Doctor, it hurts when I …

Transform Your Blog’s Look with Custom Fonts

2013-12-10 21:00:58 (читать в оригинале)

Last month, Matt Wiebe announced a collection of new fonts for users with the Custom Design upgrade. In the past, we’ve highlighted blogs using fonts in creative, effective ways, so we wanted to dive into the pool of customized sites again to find more examples of fonts in the wild. things{we}make The fonts …

Get the Most Out of Widgets: All Kinds of Images

2013-08-20 20:00:43 (читать в оригинале)

Images are one of the simplest ways to inject personality into your blog. No matter what theme you’re using, you can add life with images — insert them into posts and pages, use them for headers and backgrounds, or liven up your sidebar with image widgets. Today, we’re exploring the …

Host a WordCamp in Your Living Room with WordPress.tv

2013-03-19 20:00:01 (читать в оригинале)

Do you find yourself looking for more resources on making the most of your WordPress.com blog? Maybe you’ve always thought about going to a WordCamp, but don’t have one in your area (have you checked?) or are worried that the topics will be over your head. Maybe you’re more of a visual or auditory learner, [...]

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