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Тэг «senseless»

Главные темы

Fun in the Sun: New Neon Sunnies!

   2013-07-18 00:00:00

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Тэги: 2013, best, colorful, cool, evil, eye, eyewear, fashion, fight, fremont, glass, great, mirrored, neon, plastic, seattle, sunglass, trend

Have yourself a Happy 4th of July... we sure will!

   2013-07-03 04:48:00
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Тэги: 4th, best, colorful, cool, evil, eye, fight, fremont, glass, great, july, seattle, summer, sunglass, sunny

Sun, Solstice, & Bean-toss fun

   2013-06-19 03:21:00
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When the EOF bean bag toss comes out, it's official: summer is here!
Eyes on Fremont's beloved bean bag toss is officially gracing the upper Fremont sidewalk for it's second season, which means summer is around the corner- YAY!
 DON'T FORGET: this Saturday the Fremont Solstice Parade will bring lots of folks in the neighborhood to celebrate- plan accordingly! Parade starts at 3pm this year, so plenty of time to find prime parking & get into the shop for your sunglasses before the party starts... 

Тэги: bag, bean, best, city, cool, evil, eye, eyewear, fight, fremont, glass, great, guide:, neighborhood, seattle, solstice, summer, sunglass, toss

slow down!

   2013-05-28 01:53:51
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Тэги: happen, mind], neve, night, sunglass, [shit

Innovations while in the Draw up Ale Technique Develop Earnings plus Keg Assure

   2013-05-26 17:16:08
While in the superb earth with trade, innovative systems will be continuously appearing made to ...
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Тэги: cheap, fake, oakley, oakleys, sunglass, новость

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