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Тэг «presidential»

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“I understood you”: Macron answers the controversy about colonization

   2017-02-20 01:00:22

Emmanuel Macron attempted to extinguish the fire, but he did not want to escape from the French ...
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Тэги: election, elections, hot, news, presidential

Macron: “I have no love lesson from the Republic to receive from anyone”

   2017-02-17 11:00:16

LE FIGARO. – Do you regret having spoken of colonization as a “crime against humanity ...
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Тэги: election, elections, hot, news, presidential

Fillon case: “No judicial decision is taken”, according to the prosecutor’s office

   2017-02-12 23:00:31

The national financial prosecutor asserts that it has not taken any decision in the Fillon case. ...
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Тэги: case, election, fillon, francois, hot, news, presidential

Reunion: a very tense exchange between supporters and opponents of François Fillon

   2017-02-12 01:00:19
... family. But the presidential candidate did not ...
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Тэги: election, fillon, francois, hot, news, presidential, reunion

LIVE. Le Pen wants to “cut the suction pumps of illegal immigration”

   2017-02-10 09:00:17
... , J-73. The presidential pre-campaign is ... day for the presidential candidates this Wednesday ...
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Тэги: benoit, campaign, diary, election, hamon, hot, news, presidential

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