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Тэг «politely»

Главные темы

How François Fillon prepares for the debate

   2017-04-05 01:00:18

“As the exercise has never been done, we will improvise,” explained François Fillon, ...
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Тэги: government, hot, news, opposition, politics

Belarus: raid against opposition TV channel in Minsk

   2017-04-01 07:00:17

Belarus Rashia at oppositional TV station in Minsk The Belarusian police searched the office of ...
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Тэги: abroad, belarus, hot, news, politics

Bombardment in Syria: Defense Committee calls for investigations into secrecy

   2017-04-01 05:00:14

Bombardment in Syria Defense Committee calls for investigations into secrecy The Bundeswehr is ...
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Тэги: germany, hot, news, politics, syria

Appeals: Government opposes stalled entry ban

   2017-03-31 17:00:21

Appeal procedure Government is opposed to the entry ban Donald Trump wants to continue to enforce ...
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Тэги: abroad, donald, hot, news, politics, trump

New violence: Bishops give up as agents in the Congo

   2017-03-29 23:00:16

New violence Bishops give up as agents in Congo In the crisis state of Congo, the reconciliation ...
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Тэги: abroad, congo, democratic, hot, news, politics, republic

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