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Тэг «nutrition»

Главные темы

Soft lighting and music reduce calorie intake

   2013-01-30 19:15:23
According to new research, your mood may change, depending on the music and the lighting in the ...
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Тэги: nutrition

Pomegranate suppresses appetite

   2013-01-30 14:42:09
A few years ago, due to the high content of antioxidants pomegranate was found superfood. Scientists ...
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Тэги: nutrition

Benefits of raspberries

   2013-01-30 01:08:20
Consuming fruits and berries, we sometimes do not think of their benefits. But along with the ...
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Тэги: mineral, nutrition, vitamin

Leguminous vegetables benefits

   2013-01-29 23:08:01
Leguminous vegetables are known all over the world, and their effect is extremely positive. In no ...
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Тэги: nutrition

Correct nutrition in a hot climate

   2013-01-24 15:06:11
Physical education and sports in high temperatures lead to overstretching of organs and body systems ...
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Тэги: nutrition

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