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Тэг «medicine»

Главные темы

Tantric massage

   2013-11-12 14:29:05
... and as a medicine. All of our ...
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Тэги: medicine

Popularity porn makes women do Labiaplasty

   2013-11-12 14:28:07
Recently, a five -fold increase in the number of operations to the female genitalia, experts state. ...
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Тэги: medicine

Boys undergrowth start masturbating before and do it more often than girls

   2013-11-12 14:27:10
... Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine published the results ...
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Тэги: medicine

Too close relationships with women friends husband worsen the sexual life of a couple

   2013-11-12 14:26:22
The results of a new study conducted by American sociologists have shown that if a permanent partner ...
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Тэги: medicine

Smoking affects not only the sexual activity of men, but also on the size of the penis

   2013-11-12 14:24:21
Scientists have made a surprising discovery that smoking affects not only the sexual activity of men ...
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Тэги: medicine

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