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Тэг «lesley»

Главные темы

Report: Increasingly fuel-efficient cars putting gas tax, road funding at risk [w/poll]

   2014-06-02 01:01:00
Filed under: Government/Legal, Earnings/Financials The fund that the United States uses for the ...
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Тэги: earnings/financials, government/legal, hybrid, uncategorized

Paris to limit speeds to under 20 mph

   2014-05-30 20:01:00
Filed under: Europe, Government/Legal The short C'etait un Rendezvous might be one of the greatest ...
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Тэги: europe, government/legal, uncategorized

Report: Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV faces longer delays, might not arrive until 2016

   2014-05-22 16:58:00
Filed under: Hybrid, Government/Legal, Crossover, Mitsubishi It seems every time the Mitsubishi ...
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Тэги: crossover, government/legal, hybrid, mitsubishi, uncategorized

NYT asks what happens when self-driving cars break the law

   2014-05-18 02:00:00
Filed under: Government/Legal, Technology Here's the line to remember: "As robots become mainstream ...
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Тэги: government/legal, technology, uncategorized

Report: White House urges Congress to shore up depleted Highway Trust Fund

   2014-05-14 20:31:00
Filed under: Government/Legal, Earnings/Financials The United States Highway Trust Fund is getting ...
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Тэги: earnings/financials, government/legal, uncategorized

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