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Тэг «entrepreneurship»

Главные темы

Good vs Bad PM by Ben Horowitz

   2014-12-09 21:20:09
There was a mention in the “The Hard Thing About Hard Things” of “Good Product ...
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Тэги: books, career, development, entrepreneurship, leadership, management, notes, personal, personal-development, tech

Good vs Bad PM by Ben Horowitz

   2014-12-09 21:20:09
There was a mention in the “The Hard Thing About Hard Things” of “Good Product ...
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Тэги: books, career, development, entrepreneurship, leadership, management, notes, personal, personal-development, tech

How Can a Startup with 5M Users Fail

   2014-11-20 19:49:20
This an article to forward to all those who share a simplistic philosophies of “Build It and ...
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Тэги: entrepreneurship, notes, startups, tech

How Can a Startup with 5M Users Fail

   2014-11-20 19:49:20
This an article to forward to all those who share a simplistic philosophies of “Build It and ...
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Тэги: entrepreneurship, notes, startups, tech

How can an entrepreneur move to the US

   2014-11-16 19:30:58
To respond to this question Funders and Founders designed an infographic that is a reasonable ...
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Тэги: entrepreneurship, world

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