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Тэг «diary»

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LIVE. Valls at Macron: Hamon calls for sanctioning “demolition forces”

   2017-03-29 23:00:16

CAMPAIGN JOURNAL J-25. At 25 days of the first round of the presidential election, the ...
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Тэги: benoit, campaign, diary, election, hamon, hot, news, presidential

LIVE. Presidential: Fillon changes train to escape protesters

   2017-03-27 23:00:36

CAMPAIGN JOURNAL J-27. At 27 days of the first round of the presidential election, the candidates ...
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Тэги: 2017, campaign, diary, election, hot, march, monday, news, presidential

LIVE. Mélenchon and Le Pen in a meeting this afternoon

   2017-03-27 01:00:25

CAMPAIGN JOURNAL J-28. In four weeks, it will be the first round of the presidential election. ...
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Тэги: campaign, diary, election, fillon, francois, hot, news, presidential

LIVE. Presidential election J-28. Bayrou on Fillon: “The conspiracy theory is a confinement”

   2017-03-26 21:00:17

CAMPAIGN JOURNAL J-28. In four weeks, it will be the first round of the presidential election. ...
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Тэги: campaign, diary, election, hot, news, presidential

LIVE. Cabinet noir: “I do not know if it is true,” tempers Fillon

   2017-03-25 05:00:32

CAMPAIGN JOURNAL J-30. The first round is now in less than a month. The campaign stretched ...
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Тэги: campaign, diary, election, fillon, francois, hot, news, presidential

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