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Тэг «football»

Главные темы

Heavy accusations after Masspanik in Turin: “There were no controls”

   2017-06-05 01:00:14
... to celebrate a football party on Saturday ...
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Тэги: champions, football, hot, league, news, sports

Press comments on the Champions League final: “The Lords of the Universe”

   2017-06-04 21:00:16

Press comments on the Champions League final “The Lords of the Universe” “ ...
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Тэги: champions, football, hot, league, news, sports

Germination in the Bundesliga: Stadium visit at your own risk

   2017-06-02 21:00:18

Germination in the Bundesliga Stadium visit at your own risk Darmbacteria and fecal germs on ...
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Тэги: bremen, football, hot, news, sport, werder

Racist accusations before Confed Cup in Russia: With Blackface and bananas

   2017-05-31 09:00:47

Racist accusations before Confed Cup in Russia With blackface and bananas The “Cameroonians ...
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Тэги: 2017, confed, cup, football, hot, news, sports

U17 European Championships: Spain will take the title for the third time

   2017-05-20 11:00:46

Under-17 Championship Spain is taking the title for the third time Spain are the U17 European ...
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Тэги: football, general, hot, international, news, sport

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