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Добавлен: 2020-12-03 10:06:47

Откуда пошли гербы и наука о них

2020-12-03 03:35:45 (читать в оригинале)

#Russia #Syria #Turkey #Ukraine #Yemen #USA

Знание геральдики очень часто помогает нам разобраться, кто или что именно изображено в тех или иных древних манускриптах либо на скульптурах… Геральдика возникла в первую очередь по необходимости. Нужно было как-то опознавать на поле боя воинов, одетых практически в одинаковые доспехи. Так на поле битвы при Гастингсе герцогу Вильгельму Завоевателю пришлось даже снять шлем, чтобы его же воины могли его узнать! (Гобелен из музея в Байё, Нормандия) Ответствовал Тухар: «О господин,Ты видишь предводителя дружин,Стремительного Туса-полководца,Который насмерть в грозных битвах бьется.Чуть дальше – стяг другой горит огнем,И солнце нарисовано на нем.Под знаменем, светло и гордо глядя,Несется славный Фарибурз, твой дядя,За ним ...

Откуда пошли гербы и наука о них

U.S.-led Coalition Warplanes Carried Out Training Sorties in Syria’s Al-Tanf (Video)

2020-12-02 23:02:58 (читать в оригинале)

#Russia #Syria #Turkey #Ukraine #Yemen #USA

Donate The U.S.-led coalition announced on December 2 that its warplanes had carried out training airstrikes in the Syrian region of al-Tanaf. The coalition’s local proxy group, the Revolutionary Commando Army (MaT), released a video of the airstrikes, which were apparently carried out by F-15E Strike Eagle fighter jets. #USـforces have carried out successful #training #airstrikes near the #AlـTanf garrison, and such exercises alongside their partners prove their ability to #protect the area from any threat. #altanf #Rukban_Camp #Syria @SOJTFOIR @OIRSpox @CJTFOIR pic.twitter.com/37fPLAmMhu — مغاوير الثورة (@MaghaweirThowra) November 30, 2020 In a brief statement, the MaT said the exercise was ...

U.S.-led Coalition Warplanes Carried Out Training Sorties in Syria’s Al-Tanf (Video)

Brazilian Bank Robbers Left Cash Scattered On Road After Battle With Police (Videos)

2020-12-02 22:35:57 (читать в оригинале)

#Russia #Syria #Turkey #Ukraine #Yemen #USA

Donate Early on December 2, more than 20 robbers armed with high-caliber weapons stormed a bank in the small Brazilian town of Cametá.The gunmen took several hostages while robbing a branch of Banco do Brasil. They exchanged gunfire with police in the streets before fleeing in a convoy of vehicles. The Para state security ministry said the gunmen killed one hostage during the heist. Another local resident was shot in the leg and is now in a stable condition. [embedded content] [embedded content] Following the clashes, the police found an abandoned getaway vehicle outside with Cametá with explosives inside. According ...

Brazilian Bank Robbers Left Cash Scattered On Road After Battle With Police (Videos)

New Turkish Observation Post Established In Syria’s Al-Zawiya Mount

2020-12-02 21:45:12 (читать в оригинале)

#Russia #Syria #Turkey #Ukraine #Yemen #USA

Donate On December 2, the Turkish Armed Forces established yet another post in the al-Zawiya Mount in the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib. The new post was established in an advanced position south of the town of al-Bara, along the frontline with the Syrian Arab Army (SAA). Last month, the Turkish military established two similar posts in the al-Zawiya Mount in southern Idlib. The mountains region is located south of the M4 highway, which links the port city of Lattakia with Aleppo city. Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter, Via Google Maps – TerraMetrics A recent ...

New Turkish Observation Post Established In Syria’s Al-Zawiya Mount

Security Forces Eliminated 4 ISIS Militants In Egypt’s North Sinai

2020-12-02 21:14:47 (читать в оригинале)

#Russia #Syria #Turkey #Ukraine #Yemen #USA

Donate Click to see the full-size image The Egyptian Army and pro-government tribe forces eliminated 4 ISIS militants in the North Sinai region in late November. The militants were eliminated near the village of Qasruit,  which is located west of the town of Bir al-Abd. Over the past year, government forces have conducted a series of successful combing operations hunting down ISIS cells in the region. This undermined capabilities of the terrorist group to stage large-scale attacks army positions and civilian targets in the region. Nonetheless, ISIS cells were not fully eliminated. They shifted tactics staging more individual attacks, deploying ...

Security Forces Eliminated 4 ISIS Militants In Egypt’s North Sinai

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