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Добавлен: 2016-04-24 18:36:08 блограйдером zerber22

Benefits of the Islamic fasting on the body's health

2016-05-26 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

Our topic today about the health benefits of fasting Muslim and I think that many people do not know what is the Muslim fasting Fasting is one of Staff of worship for Muslims God imposed on themIslamic fasting consists of two parts

Benefits, health, the fast, Islam, on, body, human, physical,

 The first part spiritual

And it is in worship to God

The second part material
 And it is to refrain from eating any food or drinking water beginning from sunrise to sunsetAnd this is happening throughout the month of Ramadan and is one of the Arab months any for 30 daysAnd it has proven one of modern scientific studies from the amazing benefits of the Muslim fasting I wanted to share with you today

Benefits of the Islamic fasting right

1. Fasting helps to remove toxins from the human body

The foods manufacturer contain many preservatives and additives. Those additions turn into toxins within the body. Many of these toxins are stored in body fat, and during fasting are burning those fats, especially when fasting for a longer period. That helps get rid of toxins through the liver and kidneys and the rest of the members of the body responsible for getting rid of toxins.

 2. The rest of the digestive tract do a digestion

During fasting, the digestive system has a period of rest. You continue normal physiological functions, especially the secretion of digestive juices, but with a lower rate. And such practices help to keep the balance of body fluids. Digest food also happens fixed rates, which works on energy production rates gradually. However, Fasting does not prevent the secretion of gastric acids, therefore, patients who suffer from stomach ulcers caution is advised when fasting.

 3. Fasting helps to increase the burning of fat stored in the body

Where the first response of the body during fasting glucose is broken. Making it easier to break the fat to produce the necessary energy for the body, especially the fat stored in the kidneys and muscles.
Leading to get a perfect body free from accumulated fat without exercise sports tedious exercises

 4. Fasting promotes healthy eating habits

It has been observed that fasting helps to reduce appetite toward eating prepared foods. Instead, fasting stimulates the desire to eat healthy foods, especially fruits and water.

 5. Fasting helps to overcome addiction problems

Some researchers have confirmed that fasting helps to overcome the addiction to nicotine and caffeine and other problems. Despite the presence of some therapeutic systems that help treat addiction, but that fasting has an active role in such cases.

Despite these multiple benefits, but that in some cases should consult a physician before fasting as cases of pregnancy, lactation, and stomach ulcers. Fasting may cause some drought leading to headaches or migraines.

 If you would try fasting Muslim in the physical Apartment All you have to do is abstain from food or drink from 4 am till 7:00 p.m. and when you start your intake of food see what will happen then told us what happened with you

Food/diet - Health News

I have high blood sugar what can I eat? A surprise, Wrong habits cause breast Atralat, Studie: Resveratrol improves metabolic function in obese men, Injecting a gene into the brain that codes for the hormone leptin may curb overeating, Best Blog healthy diet, Is Splenda causing diabetes and weight gain? Researchers say maybe so, Diabetes, Stress and Depressed, Learn about the first signs of pregnancy, TYPE 2 DIABETES: Which foods you must eat, Benefits of the Islamic fasting on the body's health,

Strict 600 calorie-a-day diet reverses Type 2 diabetes in a week

2016-05-23 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

According to study leader Rod Taylor, he and his colleagues studied 11 patients who had had diabetes for several years after developing the condition later in life. At the beginning of the study, patients weighed an average of 220 pounds. At the end of the eight-week period, they had dropped an average of 33 pounds and were diabetes free. Prof Taylor explained that too much fat "clogged up" the operation of the pancreas at a cellular level, preventing normal secretion of insulin which regulates blood sugar. When this fat was removed - by way of the diet - normal function resumed. He said: "This is a radical change in understanding Type 2 diabetes. It will change how we can explain it to people newly diagnosed with the condition. "While it has long been believed that someone with Type 2 diabetes will always have the disease, and that it will steadily get worse, we have shown that we can reverse the condition."

Source: Telegraph.co.uk

Food/diet - Health News

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Diabetes chest pain : Listen to the message in the body

2016-05-17 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

When you experience diabetes chest pain it is a serious warning of health complication related to the high level of sugar in your bloodstream. The pains can signal the beginnings of heart failure, if you are living with high glucose the complications to your health can be extremely dangerous and must be taken seriously. Diabetes chest pain may be a sign of damage to the heart muscle, the reversal of this condition early is important to avoid further damage

How high blood sugar effects the heart

If you are a diabetic you increase your chance of a fatal heart attack by almost 300%, we rarely hear about the heart when it comes to high blood sugar but this organ suffers when the cells are daily punished by the high levels if glucose."A person with diabetes and no cardiovascular history has the same risk of having a heart attack as a person who has had a prior heart attack," said Dr. Ruchi Mathur, an endocrinologist at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.

This is an amazing statistic, it shows that living with a high blood sugar can mean a fatal heart attack or stroke at any given moment, diabetes chest pain is a warning sign that the heart may be under extreme pressure. Living with high blood sugar means you are living as person who has already had a heart attack.

The complications from high blood sugar come from insulin resistance, if you are diabetic it means that you have cells that are not taking in glucose for energy, your cells are insulin resistance and the glucose floods your bloodstream, this is why you have high blood sugar. To save the heart you must remove this poison high level of sugar from your bloodstream. A diabetic does not need a simply diet, they need a insulin resistance diet that reverses the damage from the sugar. Diabetes chest pain can be healed with the reversal of insulin resistance

See here  Type 2 Diabetes Diet

Food/diet - Health News

Best drinks to diet and fat burning, 10 ways to lose weight without dieting, Diabetes and a warning for women, Kirstie’s time on DWTS really kicked off her newest weight loss, Weight loss surgery works better than weight-loss drugs or diets, The Bite Counter could help you lose weight, Exercises for housewives to lose weight, Jenny Craig diet program scored top ranking as best diet, Lady Gaga fan of the baby food diet, Treating high temperature in children,

What can a diabetic eat? Why few know the truth

2016-04-26 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

A common question is, what can a diabetic eat? Unfortunately there are so many misconceptions that people have become confused. We have discussed at length on this site the dangers of diet soda, diet soda contains a chemical called aspartame and you should not drink it, this is a very dangerous chemical that causes the body to hold fat around the belly. People who drink diet soda rarely have a slim waist or lose weight. What can a diabetic eat is a very good question and we hope to help you understand the truth about the illness in this post. 

Can a person with diabetes eat fruit?

Many people with the illness avoid fruit and this is a big mistake, fruit is great and healthy for a person with high blood sugar, this is proven in a recent study that appeared in the New York Times, researchers in Denmark fed people with type 2 diabetes the equivalent of 3 pieces of fruit vs 1 piece of fruit and for 3 months and the results

Department of Nutrition, Regional Hospital West Jutland, Jutland, Denmark

The high-fruit group increased fruit intake with 125 grams and the low-fruit group reduced intake with 51 grams . Ac1 levels decreased in both groups with no difference between the groups

What was clear from the results was that those who ate the most fruit had the largest weight loss, in addition, the high fruit eaters saw their Ac1(the true marker for your blood sugar level) decrease. What can a diabetic eat? Fruit is a must for good health, amazingly Diabetes improved on the fruit diet. What about the recommendations in the past from the American Diabetes Association telling people to avoid fruit? Sadly these large organization who receive 100's of millions of dollars in donations and government money often get it wrong.  So many are misinformed and never get the truth because of  these huge organizations. They are trying to pass artificial sweeteners on to you which causes more diabetes and obesity. This site offers the best Type 2 diabetes information on the Internet and is used in over 20 countries daily. We are popular because we show you how to reverse the illness... not just how to live with it. What should a diabetic eat? Every meal should be based on a proven diet to reverse the illness, only we researched this

We have proven that you can reverse the illness, this has been used in 17 countries and it worked SEE HERE   Type 2 Diabetes Diet

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Important tips before the start of the diet

2016-04-11 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

Here a group of the most important Dieting Tips
Have you ever thought a lot before you decide that you need to diet ?Do you feel tired of their less effort ?You do not like your looks and want to get the perfect body ?
Important tips before the start of the diet
Important tips before the start of the diet
 That was your answer to these questions
YesSo, we will help to achieve your goal that offer you some tips
In order to get a perfect body does not mean that refrain from eating or just to play sports onlyFew are successful in this matter on their own, but we do not worry about with you and support you stand behind in order to push forward
Important tips before the start of the diet
Important tips before the start of the diet

You have to consult a doctor feeding may be the cause of obesity or genetic factor may need some medicines next to diet if perhaps suffering from diseases caused you Obesity

Reduced the your food of the usual or replaced by food from vegetables useful and healthy
And you can find out the calories of foods through us has already been published and calories for all kinds of food
Some shout and say what this little food I've eaten in the past weakness of this food
Here's the advice
Drink from the 3: 2 glasses of water before eating. Water has no calories as it gives a sense of fullness with basic meal intake

Important tips before the start of the diet
Important tips before the start of the diet

Green salad is the key to diet They contain important nutrients, and vitamins as the percentage of calories that are almost non-existent
Always when you take any of the lunches should be next to salad favorite
Amazed of the benefits of the existing dish salads and how it is useful for Diet
And we'll talk about green salad and its benefits to diet at a later topic to talk about this because green salad and its benefits long His explanation

To not eat the food and you are on a hurry
  This relaxed mealtime eat slowly chew well even provide a lot of work on your stomach and your body can absorb all the benefits of the food so as not to suffer from indigestion

Beware of eating these fruits they are an enemy of the diet could eat it, but by a very simple and is (mango - figs - grapes - bananas)
And also the following vegetables (potatoes - potatoes - peas - taro - legumes)

 I will not prolong the explanation this enough for today and wait for more tips on the morrow
And it will benefit the best advice and we will give you a range of diets and daily meals that you can follow depending on your personal

 The second lesson of the tips before the start of diet   ( COM  TOMORROW)

 Other lessons useful

Calories for most foods

Calories in juices and soda water

Best drinks to diet and fat burning

The most important tips for slimming 2015

10 ways to lose weight without dieting


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