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Адрес блога: http://en-ukraine-travel.blogspot.com/
Добавлен: 2012-03-26 03:29:59 блограйдером Yoona

The biggest Flower Clock in Europe

2012-03-26 01:45:00 (читать в оригинале)

On August 23 before the Independence Day of Ukraine in Kiev there was opened the biggest Flower Clock in Europe and in the world.
The draft of Clock was based on the works of Ukrainian national painter Leonid Andrievskiy. Flower Clock mechanism was presented to Kiev by the city administration of Edinburgh. The total diameter of Flower Clock is 19,5m and the diameter of clock-face is 16,5m. There was brought about 400 tons (7 railroad cars) of soil to make the Flower Clock basis and 50 000 flowers were used for the creation of Flower Clock.
Flower Clock in KievOn the 18th anniversary of Ukraine Kiev obtained a great point of interest the largest Flower Clock in Europe and in the whole world. Kiev mayor Leonid Chernovatskiy said that he expected to see Kiev Flower Clock in Guinness World Records book. “There is a plan to build an indicator board (near the Flower Clock) this winter, which will show the time left to the Euro 2012 Championship”- added mayor of Kiev.

Тэги: europe, kiev, travel, ukraine


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