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Advice from Medical Experts.
Advice from Medical Experts.
Голосов: 0
Адрес блога: http://medicfrom.com
Добавлен: 2011-12-15 11:12:58

Spanish massage

2011-11-28 17:30:59 (читать в оригинале)

Spanish massage Spanish massage incorporates the various techniques and massage techniques. Mainly in Spanish massage techniques used in Europe and eastern massages. Massage is aimed at key receptors, thus, this massage relaxes muscle tissue, improves circulation and tones the skin. During the session, a massage can relax, because This massage does not cause pain. The [...]

Chinese massage

2011-11-28 17:18:56 (читать в оригинале)

Chinese massage Chinese massage is the most ancient form of massage, even in the VI century BC in China massage was taught as a compulsory subject. Chinese massage technique based on acupressure points located on the back, head and stomach of man. Massage is based on the concept of “chi” (breath), vostanavlivaya for this energy [...]

Tantric massage

2011-11-28 17:10:30 (читать в оригинале)

Tantric massage Tantric massage is based on the interaction of male and female energies. Tantra massage relaxes the human body, stimulates circulation, relieves tension. Massage working on specific points and zones gives the tone of human bodies and their good for you. Tantric massage – it’s a great way to express love, as tender and [...]

Lymphatic drainage massage

2011-11-28 15:58:27 (читать в оригинале)

Lymphatic drainage massage Lymphatic drainage massage improves lymph flow in the human body, affecting the lymphaticsystem of man. Conducted lymphatic drainage massage to lymphatic drainage pathways, so thistype of massage is the way to a healthier body at the cellular level. Lymphatic drainage massage is used both separately and together with anti-cellulite massage enhancing its action. Also, lymph drainage massage is used to treat mastitis, venous insufficiency, eliminates congestion in the skin muscles, nourishes the skin and eliminate swelling. Manual or manual lymphatic drainage (lymphatic drainage massage) was [...]

Vacuum massage

2011-11-28 15:50:05 (читать в оригинале)

Vacuum massage Vacuum massage – this is one of the most effective ways to fight cellulite. The high positive result of this massage is achieved by using special equipment developed on the basis of knowledge of ancient Chinese school canned massage. Vacuum devices are special banks, with discharged oxygen inside. Elimination of cellulite on thighs, [...]

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