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Добавлен: 2011-03-23 16:16:38 блограйдером IceTeam

Ex-US defence chief blasts Obama

2015-12-18 23:23:37 (читать в оригинале)

Former US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel has criticised the Obama administration for lacking an overarching policy on Syria. In an interview with Foreign Policy magazine (FP), Mr Hagel described long, tedious policy meetings that often concluded without decision. The moderate Republican served as Mr Obama’s defence chief for two tumultuous years from 2013 to ...

Islamic anti-terrorism coalition formed

2015-12-15 14:12:59 (читать в оригинале)

Image copyright AFP Image caption Saudi Defence Minister Mohammed bin Salman announced the new coalition Saudi Arabia has said 34 mainly Islamic nations have joined a new military alliance to fight terrorism. A joint operations centre is to be established in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, state media reported. Countries from Asia, Africa and the Arab ...

Bridge traffic restrictions eased

2015-12-12 02:52:57 (читать в оригинале)

Restrictions on a priority route for HGVs and buses put in place following the closure of the Forth Road Bridge, are being eased to allow car drivers to use it at weekends. Easing the restrictions on the A985 will also mean the route will be open to commercial vans around the clock from Monday. Restrictions ...

Children die in Turkey migrant sinking

2015-12-08 20:11:55 (читать в оригинале)

Six children, including a baby, died when a dinghy carrying Afghan migrants capsized off Turkey, reports say. The Turkish coastguard rescued eight others from the Aegean Sea near the western city of Izmir. The latest tragedy came a day after the body of a young girl was found washed up on a nearby beach. More ...

Hate crimes triple after Paris attacks

2015-12-04 14:04:32 (читать в оригинале)

The number of Muslims attacked each week in London has more than tripled since the Paris attacks, figures show. The Met said in the week prior to the attacks on 13 November there were 24 recorded Islamophobic incidents. Two weeks after there were 76. Mussurut Zia from the Muslim Women’s Network UK said the community ...

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