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Добавлен: 2010-11-15 15:36:59

Italy: Kidnapper bot model for sale

2017-08-06 07:00:15 (читать в оригинале)

Italy Kidnapper bot model for sale She thought she was in a shooting session, then she was stunned, tied – and offered for sale in the Darknet: After the kidnapping of a 20-year model, the police arrested a suspect. PRESS OFFICE / REX / Shutterstock Here the model was imprisoned by police Saturday, 05.08.2017 & […]

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Unanimously adopted sanctions resolution against North Korea … the Council

2017-08-06 07:00:15 (читать в оригинале)

[New York: Hashimoto Junya] The United Nations Security Council strongly condemned North Korea, which forced the launch of intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) twice in July on the afternoon of 5th (morning Japan time) Unanimously adopted a sanctioning resolution prohibiting the export of coal and iron ore, etc., which are foreign currency acquisition sources, without exception […]

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Before Reichstag in Berlin: Chinese tourists show Hitlergruß arrest

2017-08-06 05:00:18 (читать в оригинале)

Before Reichstag in Berlin Chinese tourists show Hitlergruß arrest They posed before the Reichstag, photographed each other – and stretched their arm to the Hitlergruß: A criminal case against two tourists from China was initiated. Picture alliance / dpa Reichstag building in Berlin Saturday, 05.08.2017 & nbsp; 6:42 pm To press use rights Feedback   On […]

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US Marine Corps オ ス プ レ イ, Australian waters fall … 23 people rescue

2017-08-06 01:00:18 (читать в оригинале)

The US Marine Corps announced on the 5th that one aircraft carrier “Osprey” belonging to the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit with a headquarters in Okinawa Prefecture was crashed in the east of Australia. In case of                                                       It is said that 23 out of 26 passengers were rescued. The troops […]

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DIRECT. PSG: Neymar presented to the public before the match against Amiens

2017-08-06 01:00:18 (читать в оригинале)

The PSG starts its season in the championship this Saturday afternoon by hosting Amiens, one of the three promoted. The Parc des Princes will vibrate before the start of the match with the presentation of Neymar. Last season by Monaco, the Parisians intend to reconquer this season the title of champion of France. This Saturday […]

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