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Тэг «germany»

Главные темы

Gerhard Schröder at SPD party congress: “The euro crisis is also on the account of Merkel and Schäuble”

   2017-06-25 21:00:44

Gerhard Schröder at the SPD party congress “The euro crisis is also on the account of ...
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Тэги: germany, hot, news, politics, spd

Farewell to the old Chancellor: Juncker is planning a European state act for cabbage

   2017-06-18 05:00:20

Farewell to the old Chancellor Juncker is planning a European act for cabbage EU Commission ...
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Тэги: germany, helmut, hot, kohl, news, politics

Berliner Kreis: Right CDU wing attacks Merkel’s climate policy

   2017-06-04 07:00:18

The Berlin Circle Right CDU wing attacks Merkel’s climate policy According to a media ...
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Тэги: germany, hot, news, politics

Chemical founding in the Lower Rhine: Prosecutor’s office determined for possible attack

   2017-05-23 05:00:45

Chemical finds on the Lower Rhine Prosecutor identified due to possible attack In the search for ...
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Тэги: germany, hot, news, north, politics, rhine-westphalia

Fire stop on mosque: unknown throw several Molotov cocktails

   2017-04-29 09:00:20

Fire stop on mosque Unknown throw several Molotov cocktails In the southern part of Weil am Rhein ...
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Тэги: germany, hot, justice, muslims, news, panorama

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